Edith Sherwood Ph.D.

The Voynich Botanical Plants

Folio 87vleft Back to Plant List
folio 87vleft

Folio 87vleft. Cowslip/primrose (Primula veris). Banckers Herbal says that “if the juice of the primrose is put in a man’s nose it will destroy the megrim.” The cowslip was often called Herba paralysis because it was believed to be good for “the gouty and palsy folk and them that fall of the high evil called epilepsy.” The Vertouse Boke of Distyllacyon states that “the distilled water from the cowslip is good against the pain in the head … coming of cold … biting of mad dogs and for women that beareth child. Also the face often washed therewith withdraweth the spots and pimples in the face and causeth the skin to be fair.” (2) (A)

(2) Freeman, M., Herbs, for the Medieval Household, The Grete Herball
(A) Drawings that are probably copies of illustrations found in other herbals